
1500 Hour Cosmetology Course

The 1500 hour cosmetology course expected graduation date from start date to completion is 13.5 months.

The 1500 hour Cosmetology course prepares all graduates for the Ohio State Board Examination to become a licensed cosmetologist. The course study includes cutting and styling, manicuring, makeup and facials, hair coloring, permanent waving, scalp and hair treatments, and other important phases of Cosmetology. Ohio State Beauty Academy also has a large clinic open to the public which is supervised by licensed instructors. Completion of the subjects listed above should prepare the student for the State Board Examination and to become a licensed cosmetologist.

Course Goals

The student, at the end of the course, should have the manual dexterity to successfully complete a haircut, permanent wave, shampoo and set, manicure, haircolor, relaxers, pedicures, and style out.

The student, after completion of this course and the State Board Examination, should be able to gain entrance into a beginning level job as a qualified cosmetologist.

To provide to the student "real life" exposure to the role of a cosmetologist.

To build a solid foundation of beauty culture technical skills.

Course Format

The class starting 0-450 hours is in theory and practical, which takes students completely through the textbook.

Classes continue through 451-1500 hours at various levels. As students advance in their training, they are integrated onto the clinic floor, as well as review classes.

Instructors Text

Milady Text

Course Descriptions and Grading

For an overview of course descriptions and grading system, please view our online catalog.


Gainful Employment

This program is designed to be completed in 13.5 months. This program will cost $14,600 if completed within scheduled/contract time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed. Fewer than 10 students completed this program within scheduled/contract time. This number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of the students.

This program meets licensure requirements in the state of Ohio.

For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, and post-enrollment earnings about this institution and other postsecondary institutions please click here:


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